Meet the fabulous people who teach at this club

Sensei Kavita (she/her) started training in Shorinji Kempo in Jan 2004. She has trained around the world (Japan, Canada, Singapore, Cyprus, and Spain), and has taught in many countries (Germany, Finland, Ireland, India) and has dedicated twenty years to Imperial College Shorinji Kempo. She gained her black belt with Sensei Sean Dixie and remains an assistant instructor.
In Dec 2022 she gained a 4th Dan (4th-level black belt). She is DBS checked, completed the Child Protection in Sport and Active Leisure and First Aid certified. In 2023 she was honored with a Outstanding Sporting Achievement for an Individual Award .
Kavita co-founded the Camden club in Jan 2019 and is our official Branch Master.

Sensei Ofelia (she/her/they) started training at SOAS in 2015.
She was awarded her black belt in 2019 just after co-founding the Camden club and gained her 2nd Dan (second-level black belt) in December 2022.
In 2020 she was Diversity Representative for Out For Sport, leading the BLM campaign. In the 2021 Out For Sport Awards, she was nominated for the Club Spirit Award.
In a huge achievement she was elected as Provisional Branch Master of the SOAS club at the 2022 BSKF AGM and served for two years. We are delighted that she remains a key part of our instructing team here at Camden.

CJ (She/They) was voted in as our Club Captain in Jan 2023 and again in Jan 2024 but has stepped down for 2025. CJ has also taken over from Alex Ostendorf (she/her) as our Health and Safety Officer.
In 2023 CJ entered Pride Boxing and was short listed for Out For Sports Club Spirit Award. The award recognises the hero within our club who makes it all happen and embodies everything the club stands for each and every day. That is 100% CJ.
2024 saw CJ successfully attain their brown belt – one step away from black! An awesome achievement for CJ and the club.

Rosanna (She/Her) and Leonie (They/Them) both recently graded to brown belts.
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who works to make this club so much fun and donate their time to teach for free.