The first UK all women founded club
We understand how marginalised women are in sports. Sport England says that
- There are 313,600 fewer women than men who are regularly active
- More men do sport and physical activity than women at almost every age group
- 4 in 10 women are not active enough to ensure they get the full health benefits.
This can be particularly a problem in martial arts. The Camden Shorinji Kempo founders noticed this problem and inspired by the Shorinji Kempo were compelled to change the status quo. They started this club together making it the first all women founded Shorinji Kempo club in the UK.

Everyone is welcome to train with us
Here at Camden we welcome, women, trans women and non binary people, we also welcome men, trans men and those of no gender. Actually, absolutely everyone is welcome to train with us. As long as you are respectful in our classes and willing to learn, then we will teach you.
We all train together regardless of gender, size and ability.
The club can support your training by providing two or more classes a week but also we push to ensure that all our members can participate in tournaments and have safe training spaces at seminars. Give it a go.